Every now and again a project comes your way that grabs you and makes you think about the world in different way. Palau is one of those projects. While I was not able to attend the shoot itself, I was deeply involved in the direction and coordination of the piece. From working with Dr. Pat Scannon and the Bent Prop organization, Eric Terrill of Scripps Oceanography, CNET and the producers of 60 minutes -  our team had to make sure we could share & develop GoPro content that encompassed each of their respective stories while still finding balance in the direction of our own piece.

 Role: Senior Producer

VIDEO: Palau - Searching for Heroes: Passion meets technology in the search for downed aircraft in the South Pacific. The BentProp Project is a group of volunteers who search for and help repatriate missing World War II Airmen. Their searches were long and arduous until they enlisted the scientific know-how of Scripps Institution of Oceanography-UCSD and The University of Delaware. Shot and Edited by Nate Lee

1,241,248 views (versions of the above video aired on NBC's World of Adventure and CBS's 60 Minutes.)